Wednesday, November 15, 2006

About Me

Hi my name is Nadya Zafira, but everybody call me Nadya. I live with my parents, my little brother, and my grandfather in an ordinary house in Jakarta, Indonesia. I born in February 26 1995 in Jakarta, Indonesia. My hobby and interests are arts and swimming. I went to school in SBI Madania, that's in Parung-Bogor, West Java.Now I'm in the 6th grade. I have alot of friends at school. My school is really nice and also very discipline. I don't like Math and sometimes science and history lesson, cause sometimes it's hard but sometimes it's pretty easy. I like pop and classic music. My favorite food is chicken drumsticks. My favorite drink is avocado juice with chocolate condensed milk (hmmm yummy...). My favorite TV channel are Disneychannel and Nickelodeon, because they are so cool and full of cartoon. My favorite TV show are "That so Raven" and "Pimp my ride". I like comedy, action, and cartoon movies. I have black and short curly hair. My skin is light brown (not peach). I'm not that tall and I'm also not that small. I'm not that smart, but sometimes I like learning stuff. I'm also a little bit good at computer games. My favorite computer games are "The Sims" and "Luxor". My website is about family vacations, fun websites, and activities that we can do at home or other places!!. Well that's all about me...!!

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